Does NSFAS Fund UKZN Students
Does NSFAS Fund UKZN Students
Does NSFAS Fund UKZN Students
If you are about to start or are doing your first degree at UKZN and you having trouble funding your education, we might have the answers you need. This is all the information you need to know about NSFAS and whether or not they fund students at UKZN.
The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) is a funding scheme that works to fund poor students who wish to further their education but can’t afford to do so.
With the University of Kwa-Zulu Natal (UKZN) being one of the 26 universities in the country, the question of whether or not NSFAS funds UKZN is fairly common.
The answer is yes, NSFAS does cover UKZN students.
However, to be funded by NSFAS there are certain requirements that need to be met.
Who qualifies for NSFAS?
- Students from families with a combined household income of not more than R350 000 (three hundred and fifty thousand Rand) per annum, registering at TVET colleges and universities for the first time,
- Students returning to TVET colleges and universities to complete or continue their first undergraduate qualification.
- Students from families with a combined household income of up to R122 000 (one hundred and twenty-two thousand Rand) return to TVET colleges and universities after a gap year or two to complete their first undergraduate qualification.
- Students from families who are recipients of child support grants or disability grants administered through the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) will automatically qualify for NSFAS funding.
- Orphans will automatically qualify for NSFAS funding, provided there is confirmation of their status.
NSFAS also covers a number of different expenses and not only the student’s tuition.
NSFAS provides:
- Travel allowance
- Accommodate fees
- Living allowance
- Meal allowance
- Book and Study material allowance
First-time students who wish to continue their academic journey and fall under the above criteria are welcome to apply for NSFAS, as they aim to assist as many students as possible in order to create a brighter future for South Africa.
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