NSFAS Closing Date For 2022
NSFAS Closing Date For 2022
NSFAS Closing Date For 2022 | NSFAS was established according to the National Student Financial Aid Scheme Act (Act 56 of 1999) and incorporated TEFSA (Tertiary Education Fund of South Africa). From 1993 to 2000, TEFSA was the primary non-profit company in terms of Section 21 of the Companies Act and ceased to operate in July 2000. All existing loans on the TEFSA books were transferred to NSFAS.
The NSFAS Act enables any student to apply for a bursary from NSFAS but allows the board to impose conditions, generally, or in respect of a particular loan or bursary. Such conditions include the use of the means test and the loan conversion of up to 40 per cent of any loan as an incentive for academic success.
Nsfas online application 2022 closing date
- Go to www.nsfas.org.za and click on “myNsfas account“.
- Enter your username and password.
- Click on the “My personal details” tab.
- Update your cellphone number and/or email address to your current one.
- Click “Update your details” to proceed.
NSFAS will cover more than just the tuition fees of students. The bursary covers you with the following if you qualify:
- Tuition fees
- Accommodation
- Transport
- Living allowances
- Book allowances
- Incidental/personal care allowance for students in catered residences
These allowances are paid to students during the first week of each month over a period of 10 months.
NSFAS will fund students for the entire duration of their course or degree. Most degrees take about 3 to 4 years, whereas medical degrees for example take up to 7 years.
- To begin, you must create your myNSFAS account
- After that, you click the Apply tab
- Update all your NSFAS online Application 2022-2023 information.
- Upload your supporting documents
- Submit your application by clicking on the “SUBMIT” button
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