University of the Free State UFS Odeion String Quartet
University of the Free State UFS Odeion String Quartet
University of the Free State UFS Odeion School of Music – Check below:
Our staff comprises a group of highly competent and experienced specialists in the fields of performance, teaching, and research, as well as an administrative component of well-qualified support personnel in academic, general, and concert administration.
Our academic programme comprises both undergraduate and postgraduate studies, while specialised focus areas include historically informed performance practice, Schenkerian analysis, and cultural musicology. A wide spectrum of instrumental and vocal tuition is offered, coupled with the availability of several performance and training ensembles. These include the following:
- Free State Symphony Orchestra,
- Free State Youth Orchestra,
- Odeion String Quartet (the only residential university string quartet in South Africa),
- Junior Odeion String Quartet,
- Odeion Sinfonia (a student string ensemble),
- Odeion School of Music Camerata,
- Odeion Choir
Odeion School of Music
Internal Box 36
Faculty of the Humanities
University of the Free State
PO Box 339
South Africa
T: +27 51 401 2810
F: +27 51 444 5830