UKZN School of Mathematics Statistics and Computer Science Contacts
UKZN School of Mathematics Statistics and Computer Science Contacts
UKZN School of Mathematics Statistics and Computer Science Contacts
UKZN School of Mathematics Statistics Contacts – Check below:
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Physical address: Desmon Clarence building King George V Aveenue Berea 4001Postal address: Private Bag X 54001 Durban 4000 | Physical address Main Campus King Edward Avenue Scottsville PietermaritzburgPostal address: Private Bag X01 Scottsville 3209 | Physical address: Westville Campus University Road Westville 3630Postal address: Private Bag X 54001 Durban 4000 |
Mrs Jacquie Whyte | School Operations Manager | 033 260 5768/ 7721 | | ||
Princess Bavuyile Nhlangulela
| Bev Bonhomme
| Charmaine Magwaza