NSFAS Bursaries For Students With Disabilities 2023 – 2024


NSFAS Bursaries For Students With Disabilities 2023 – 2024

Are you disabled and in need of finances to further your education after school?
Apply for a bursary through the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS).
The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) offers bursaries to eligible students with disabilities to cover the costs of a first undergraduate degree or diploma at any of South Africa’s 23 public universities.
The NSFAS bursary for students with disabilities may cover the costs of a student’s tuition, books, accommodation including meals, and an assistive device – such as a wheelchair, Zoom Text software or a Jaws Reader, computer, or any device recommended by a doctor.

What do you need to know?

  • Bursaries are available to those with disabilities for any field of undergraduate study at a public South African university. This applies to a first degree or diploma
  • There are 23 universities, including universities of technology, in South Africa where learners with disabilities can apply for this bursary programme. The bursaries are also available to students studying through Unisa
  • Learners must find out about deadlines for applications at the institution where they plan to study; learners should apply early – as soon as they receive their June Grade 12 results
  • Learners must apply for admission and for NSFAS financial assistance at the university where they want to study. For more information they should visit the Financial Aid Office on the campus where they want to study to enquire about the NSFAS bursary for students with disabilities.
See also  NSFAS Head Office in Pretoria

How do I apply for a bursary?
NSFAS offers bursaries to students with disabilities When applying for a disability bursary at a university or university of technology, you’ll need to take the following documents with you:

  • Grade 12 June results or certificate
  • A letter from the medical doctor showing proof of permanent disability
  • Green SA identity document with barcode
  • Proof of parents ‘latest income (eg. A pay slip, pension grant slip or affidavit if the parent is unemployed)

If you have any queries, please contact the NSFAS Call Centre on 086 0067 327 Alternatively email info@nsfas.org.za or post a letter to NSFAS , Private Bag X1, Plumstead 7801

Read Also:  Bursaries Open All Year Round

Read Also : South African Bursaries January , February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

