
Monash South Africa Undergraduate Prospectus 2023


Monash South Africa Undergraduate Prospectus 2023

Important dates


This section outlines important dates including:

  • semester dates and holidays
  • important events and deadlines.


03 TueMSA reopens
03 TueSummer School B
07 SatOpen day & Early Bird Enrolment
09 MonEnrolment details and fee statement for semester one (S1-01) emailed to Monash student email account
14 SatOpen day & Early Bird Enrolment
15 SunThe census date for the teaching period: summer semester B (SSB-01). Penalty and teaching dates vary. To check the dates for your unit, refer to the MSA website.
21 SatOpen day & Early Bird Enrolment
28 SatOpen day & Early Bird Enrolment
30 MonExams (deferred and supplementary): begin for semester two (S2-01) 2016


01 WedExchange applications to Monash Australia & Monash Malaysia for Semester 2 deadline
01 WedSemester one (S1-01) for Master of International Business begins
03 FriExams (deferred and supplementary): end for semester two (S2-01) 2016
04 SatCourse Introduction for Intake 1 for Master of Business Administration
04 SatOpen day & Early Bird Enrolment
06 MonExams: begin for summer semester A (SSA-02) 2016 and summer semester B (SSB-01)
07 TueCourse Introduction for Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting (PGDA)
08 WedCommencement for Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting (PGDA)
09 ThuExams: end for summer semester A (SSA-02) 2016 and summer semester B (SSB-01)
11 SatOpen day & Early Bird Enrolment
13 MonEnrolments: begin for domestic and international students
13 MonThe census date for the teaching period: February (FEB-ZA-02).  Last day to discontinue units in these teaching periods without incurring fees.
13 MonFees due for returning students: semester one (S1-01)
15 WedThe census date for the teaching period: term 1 (T1-57) and trimester 1 (T1-58). Last day to discontinue units in these teaching periods without incurring fees
17 FriEnrolments: end for domestic and international students
17 FriResults: released for deferred/supplementary for semester two 2016 (S2-01)
18 SatOpen day
20 MonOrientation Week: begins
21 TueAllocate+ adjustment opens for semester one (S1-01)
24 FriOrientation Week: ends
27 MonResults: released for summer semester A (SSA-02) 2016 and summer semester B (SSB-01) and Term 4 (T4-57).
27 MonSemester one (S1-01) begins


06 MonFees due for commencing students: for semester one (S1-01)
10 FriLast day to add on-campus semester one (S1-01) or full-year (FY-01) units
10 FriAllocate+ adjustment closes for semester one (S1-01)
11 SatCourse Introduction for Intake 2 for Master of Business Administration
19 SunThe census date for teaching period: March (MAR-ZA-02). Last day to discontinue units in these teaching periods without incurring fees.
21 TuePublic Holiday: Human Rights Day (MSA closed)
31 FriLast day to discontinue semester one (S1-01) units without ‘withdrawn’ showing on academic record
31 FriCensus date for teaching period: semester one (S1-01). Last day to discontinue units in these teaching periods without incurring fees
See Also ->  Monash South Africa Entry Requirements


08 SatGraduation ceremony: South Africa
14 FriMid-semester break: begins
14 FriPublic holiday: Good Friday (MSA closed)
17 MonPublic holiday: Family Day (MSA closed)
21 FriMid-semester break: ends
24 MonExam timetable published: for semester one (S1-01) in the Web Enrolment System (WES)
27 ThuPublic holiday: Freedom Day (MSA closed)
30 SunMSA bursary & scholarship applications for semester two (S2-01) close
30 SunCensus date for teaching period: April (APR-ZA-02), full-year (FY-01), full-year (extended) (FY-32) and term 2 (T2-57). Last day to discontinue units in these teaching periods without incurring fees


01 MonPublic holiday: Workers Day (MSA closed)
01 MonExchange applications for partner universities Semester 1 2020 due
01 MonLast day to discontinue semester one (S1-01) units with ‘withdrawn’ showing on academic record. Units discontinued after this date will show as a ‘withdrawn fail’
26 FriSemester one (S1-01) ends
26 FriLast day to discontinue semester one (S1-01) units with ‘withdrawn fail’ on academic record. Units cannot be discontinued after this date.
29 MonSwot Vac: begins
See also  Mukhanyo Theological College Prospectus 2024 – 2025


02 FriSwot Vac: ends
04 SunThe census date for teaching period: May (MAY-ZA-02).  Last day to discontinue units in these teaching periods without incurring fees.
05 MonExams: begin for semester one (S1-01)
12 MonEnrolment details and fee statement for semester one (S2-01) emailed to Monash student email account
16 FriPublic holiday: Youth Day (MSA closed)
23 FriExams: end for semester one (S1-01)
30 FriThe census date for the teaching period: trimester 2 (T2-58). Last day to discontinue units in this teaching period without incurring fees
30 FriThe census date for the teaching period: winter (WS-01). Penalty and teaching dates vary. To check the dates for your unit, refer to the MSA website.


10 MonResults: released for semester one (S1-01)
10 MonEnrolments: begin for domestic and international students
14 FriEnrolments: end for domestic and international students
15 SatCourse Introduction for Intake 3 for Master of Business Administration
17 MonFees due for returning students: semester two (S2-01)
17 MonMid-year Orientation Week: begins
18 TueAllocate+ adjustment opens for semester Two (S2-01)
19 WedExam timetable published: (deferred and supplementary) for summer semester A (SSA-02) 2016, summer semester B (SSB-01) and semester one (S1-01) in the Web Enrolment System (WES)
21 FriMid-year Orientation Week: ends
23 SunThe census date for teaching period: July (JUL-ZA-02).  Last day to discontinue units in these teaching periods without incurring fees.
24 MonSemester two (S2-01) begins
See Also ->  Monash South Africa Orientation Week


01 TueLast day to discontinue full-year (FY-01) units with ‘withdrawn’ showing on academic record. Units discontinued after this date will show as a ‘fail’
04 FriAllocate+ adjustment closes for semester Two (S2-01)
04 FriLast day to add on-campus semester two (S2-01) units
07 MonFees due for commencing students: for semester two (S2-01)
07 MonExams (deferred and supplementary): begin for summer semester A (SSA-02) 2016, summer semester B (SSB-01) and semester one (S1-01)
09 WedPublic holiday: National Women’s Day (MSA closed)
11 FriExams (deferred and supplementary): end for summer semester A (SSA-02) 2016, summer semester B (SSB-01) and semester one (S1-01)
19 SatCourse Introduction for Intake 4 for Master of Business Administration
21 MonLast day to discontinue semester two (S2-01) units without ‘withdrawn’ showing on academic record
23 WedResults (deferred and supplementary exams): released for summer semester A (SSA-02) 2016, summer semester B (SSB-01) and semester one (S1-01)
27 SunThe census date for the teaching period: August (AUG-ZA-02). Last day to discontinue units in these teaching periods without incurring fees.
31 ThuThe census date for teaching period: semester two (S2-01) and term 3 (T3-57). Last day to discontinue units in these teaching periods without incurring fees.


01 ThurExchange applications to Monash Australia & Monash Malaysia for Semester 1 2020 deadline
18 MonExam timetable published: for semester two (S2-01) in the Web Enrolment System (WES)
24 SunPublic Holiday: Heritage (MSA closed)
25 MonPublic Holiday: Holiday as Heritage Day falls on a Sunday (MSA closed)
25 MonMid-semester break: begins
25 MonLast day to discontinue semester two (S2-01) units with ‘withdrawn’ showing on academic record. Units discontinued after this date will show as ‘withdrawn fail’
29 FriMid-semester break: ends
30 SatThe census date for teaching period:  trimester 3 (T3-58). Last day to discontinue units in these teaching periods without incurring fees.
See also  Eastcape Midlands TVET College Prospectus


09 MonRe-enrolment (timely): begins for 2020
20 FriLast day to discontinue semester two (S2-01) and full year (FY-01) units with ‘withdrawn fail’ showing on academic record. Units cannot be discontinued after this date
20 FriSemester two (S2-01) and full year (FY-01) ends.
23 MonSwot Vac: begins
27 FriSwot Vac: ends
30 MonExams: begin for semester two (S2-01)
31 TueThe census date for teaching period: term 4 (T4-57). Last day to discontinue units in these teaching periods without incurring fees.
See Also ->  Monash South Africa Handbook


02 WedExams: begin for Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting
07 MonExams: end for Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting
12 SunThe census date for teaching period: November (NOV-ZA-02). Last day to discontinue units in these teaching periods without incurring fees.
15 WedMSA bursary & scholarship applications for semester one 2020 (S1-01) close
15 WedExchange applications for partner universities Semester 2 2020 due
17 FriExams: end for semester two (S2-01)
24 FriRe-enrolment (timely): ends for 2020
25 SatRe-enrolment (late): begins for 2020. A late fee will apply
30 ThuThe census date for the teaching period: October (OCT-ZA-02). Last day to discontinue units in these teaching periods without incurring fees.


04 MonResults: released for semester two (S2-01)
08 FriRe-enrolment (late): end for 2020
08 FriExam timetable published: for summer semester A (SSA-02) and summer semester B (SSB-01) 2020 in the Web Enrolment System (WES)
16 SatPublic Holiday: Day of Reconciliation (MSA closed)
18 MonExam timetable published: (deferred and supplementary) for semester two (S2-01) in the Web Enrolment System (WES)
22 FriMSA closed
31 SunThe census date for the teaching period: summer A (SSA-02). Penalty and teaching dates vary. To check the dates for your unit, refer to the MSA website.


General inquiries

Telephone: +27 11 950 4000

Future students

Call centre: +27 11 950 4009

Postal address

Private Bag X60
Roodepoort 1725
South Africa

Street address

144 Peter Road
South Africa

Related links

Media inquiries

Media Office

Alumni inquiries

Alumni Relations office
Telephone: +27 11 950 4009

Campus protection services

Telephone: +27 11 950 4099

Residential services

Telephone: +27 11 950 4212


Community engagement

Telephone: +27 11 950 4009 / 4310

Emergency contacts only

Dial extension 333 from any Monash South Africa phone. In an emergency, from all other phones call +27 11 950 4333 or the South African Police Service on 10111 / +27 11 795 1960.

