Learnerships for Agriculture 2023
Learnerships for Agriculture 2023
Learnerships for Agriculture 2023
Learnerships for Agriculture | Learnerships in Agriculture include working with animals and plants. Nature is used to feed, clothe, nourish and protect people. It involves the growing, breeding, cultivating, developing and more of the land. Agriculture produces products to enhance and sustain human life. It also includes fishery, biological products, chemicals, environmental affairs, perishable products, food technology, water management, agricultural research, pesticides and so much more. With Agriculture Learnerships in this field, the doors to many sectors and developments are open. You can select from a wide range of careers and industries to work in.
Companies that offer Agriculture Learnerships
- Department of Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries
- Department of Environmental Affairs
- Rand Water
- AgriSeta
Agriculture Learnerships Available
Agriculture learnerships offer a wide range of careers. Most companies in this field seek gifted individuals who love nature and are committed to change and growth. Below are some of the career options you can consider in this field:
Learnerships for Agriculture: Career options:
- Marketing
- Environmental Health Consultant
- Agricultural Scientist
- Events Manager
- Analytical Chemist
- Crop Production Manager
- Researcher
- Public Administrator
- Pasture Scientist
- Plant Production Manager
- Wildlife Manager
- Biologist
- Development Coordinator
- Micro Biologist
- Water Agents
- Pollution Manager
- Waste Manager
- Timber Harvesting
- Lumber Milling
- Animal Production
- Plant Production
- Animal Husbandry
Learnerships for Agriculture Requirements
In this field, each company that offers learnerships will have their own stipulation for interested candidates. Many of these may differ, so, we have compiled some of the frequently found requirements. Most learnerships in this field prefer candidates between the ages of 18 and 35. Applicants should also attach a CV, reference letters or recommendations if they have any.
The basic list of requirements may include:
- Must be a citizen of South Africa with a valid ID book
- Applicants must hold a Grade 12 certification
- Candidates must not have been part of another learnership
- Applicants must have a diploma or degree in their field of application
- Applicants with a disability must submit a medical certificate indicating the disability
All contact detail must be up-to-date, all documents certified copies and the application completed in full.
How to Apply for Agriculture Learnerships?
Agriculture leadership’s online applications are usually found under the careers tab on a company’s website unless they have a graduate/training page. Many companies still make use of printed applications such as Government. In such a case the application will be available for download or it will be sent to you through email. Once you download the form or receive it via email, it must be printed, completed and either, emailed, posted or hand-delivered with certified copies of all required documentation.
Most learnerships are for a 12-month or 24-month period unless otherwise stipulated. Applicants who make the shortlist will be contacted. Thus, if you do not hear from the company 2 or 3 months after the closing of applications, you may assume you were not selected for the program. Some companies may ask selected applicants to take part in a variety of skills tests and more.
READ ALSO: Latest Learnerships in South Africa 2023 – 2023
: Learnerships By Category 2023 – 2023
: Government Learnerships 2023 – 2023
Anglo American Learnerships Programme
BANKSETA Learnerships Programme
Correctional Services Learnership Programme
Discovery Learnerships Programme
Ekurhuleni Metro Police Learnerships
FNB First National Bank Learnerships
Implants Impala Platinum Learnerships
National Treasury Learnerships
NYDA National Youth Development Agency Learnerships
South African Police Service (SAPS) Learnerships
Transnet Learnership Programme
Government Learnerships 2023 -2023
Listed below are different sectors of the Government in South Africa that are offering Learnerships. These government Learnerships are very popular among the SA public. We are working on extending the list as there are many departments offering Learnerships.
Department of Agriculture, Forestry & Fishery Learnerships
Department of Environmental Affairs Learnerships
Department of Education Learnerships
Department of Health Kwa Zulu Natal Learnerships
Department of Health North West Learnerships
Department of Health Polokwane Learnerships
Department of Home Affairs Learnerships
Department of Higher Education Learnerships