Online Applications

IHT Hotel School


IHT Hotel School

Get To Know Us

IHT Hotel School — Stu­dent focused, ser­vice driven

IHT Hotel School is reg­is­tered by the Depart­ment of Higher Edu­ca­tion and Train­ing as a Pri­vate Higher Edu­ca­tion Insti­tu­tion offer­ing ter­tiary edu­ca­tion in the field of hos­pi­tal­ity. At IHT Hotel School we edu­cate and equip stu­dents with the skills that will enable them to become the lead­ers in tomorrow’s hos­pi­tal­ity sector.
Know­ing that a qual­ity aca­d­e­mic ser­vice is the key, a learn­ing envi­ron­ment is cre­ated that encour­ages stu­dents to pur­sue intel­lec­tual and per­sonal growth and which guar­an­tees the cur­rency, rel­e­vancy and integrity of the qual­i­fi­ca­tions offered.
Our lec­tur­ing staff not only has excel­lent qual­i­fi­ca­tions com­bined with lec­tur­ing expe­ri­ence, but all also have expe­ri­ence of work­ing in the hos­pi­tal­ity indus­try. They are there­fore well equipped to update and enhance learn­ing mate­r­ial in order for it stay rel­e­vant to and cur­rent to trends in the indus­try. Stu­dents receive indi­vid­ual atten­tion if and when needed because at IHT stu­dents are not merely just a num­ber, they are man­agers in the making.
A wide vari­ety of inter­ac­tive events binds the stu­dent and lec­tur­ing body together which forms the foun­da­tion of our unique­ness. Our Fun Days and Student Outings, together with our annual Student Dance and Fundraising Charitra Events are just some of the highlights on IHT’s calendar.

Your road to success starts here

IHT stu­dents are highly sought after in the hos­pi­tal­ity indus­try. So much so that 90% of our stu­dents have one or more job offers for full­time employ­ment dur­ing their final work-integrated learn­ing ses­sion or by grad­u­a­tion day!
Career options in hos­pi­tal­ity are not lim­ited to tra­di­tional hotel and restau­rant busi­nesses. Hos­pi­tal­ity grad­u­ates are highly val­ued in ser­vice sec­tors such as tourism, lux­ury retail, mar­ket­ing, finance and tech­nol­ogy where cus­tomer loy­alty depends on qual­ity ser­vice and experience.
So wher­ever you want to take your career – IHT Hotel School is the place to get you started!
The inter­na­tional busi­ness land­scape is con­stantly chang­ing and fas­ci­nat­ing career oppor­tu­ni­ties are now open­ing up because of the lat­est need aris­ing for hos­pi­tal­ity exper­tise in other indus­tries and businesses.
A grow­ing num­ber of cor­po­rate busi­nesses rec­og­nize the strate­gic impor­tance of the “hos­pi­tal­ity ele­ment” and are now turn­ing to hos­pi­tal­ity grad­u­ates for a par­tic­u­lar com­bi­na­tion of skills that is hard to find elsewhere!
Many hotels, travel and event sec­tors con­tact our cam­pus reg­u­larly to look to recruit stu­dents each semes­ter for intern­ship and employ­ment opportunities.
Hos­pi­tal­ity is also one of the world’s fastest grow­ing and most dynamic fields of employ­ment with pos­i­tive trend fore­casts for the com­ing years. Accord­ing to the World Travel & Tourism Coun­cil (WTTC), the indus­try will account for 1 in 10 jobs on the planet by 2023.
At IHT we teach all aspects of tra­di­tional and con­tem­po­rary man­age­ment with a broad per­spec­tive that takes into account all the eco­nomic, human, and cul­tural issues involved. We will assist you to develop your pro­fes­sional and per­sonal skills to their max­i­mum, ready­ing you to enter the cor­po­rate world or start your own business.
Dur­ing your time at IHT, you will acquire essen­tial busi­ness skills like com­mu­ni­ca­tion, analy­sis, and entre­pre­neur­ship. You will nur­ture a hos­pi­tal­ity mindset and per­fect your soft skills such as atten­tion to detail, self-improvement, deter­mi­na­tion, respect, and integrity. All of this will max­i­mize your employability.
Feel free to contact us on 021 913 3005 or 076 128 9840 or email if you would like to make an appointment to visit us on campus — we’d be happy to welcome you!
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Vision and Mis­sion

Vision Statement

The vision of IHT Hotel School is to be a major edu­ca­tion and train­ing provider in hos­pi­tal­ity ser­vices that ensures access to life­long learn­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties for all who have a pas­sion for the hos­pi­tal­ity and tourism industries.

Mis­sion Statement

The mis­sion of IHT Hotel School is to pro­vide qual­ity career edu­ca­tion to stu­dents in a warm, friendly, and pleas­ant learn­ing envi­ron­ment that enables them to become exem­plary hos­pi­tal­ity lead­ers. IHT will there­fore always go the extra mile to meet and exceed the needs of our stu­dents to pre­pare them for the hos­pi­tal­ity indus­try where the cus­tomer is always num­ber one.


The core val­ues of IHT Hotel School (Pty) Ltd are … I – H – T – H – S

  • Integrity – to walk the talk by doing what we say and say­ing what we do
  • Honesty — sin­cere and open to building a cul­ture of con­sis­tency, integrity and trust
  • Trust­wor­thy – com­mit­ted and con­tin­u­ously improv­ing to ful­fil and com­plete our mission
  • Hospi­tal­ity – sup­port­ing our stu­dents with warmth and kindness
  • Sincere – sup­port­ive edu­ca­tors walk­ing the extra mile.
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Our History

IHT opened its doors for the first time in 1998 with a mere 7 stu­dents! When IHT Hotel School became a strate­gic part­ner of Regency, Insti­tute of TAFE in South Aus­tralia in 2003, their Advanced Diploma in Hos­pi­tal­ity was offered with 20 stu­dents enrolled.
Ever since our small begin­ning in 1998, we have not only grown in stu­dent num­bers and infra­struc­ture but have also ensured that the voca­tional edu­ca­tion and train­ing offered is recognised and qual­ity assured in South Africa. With the input of our excel­lently qual­i­fied and expe­ri­enced aca­d­e­mic staff mem­bers, our learn­ing pro­gramme was adapted and enhanced to meet the stan­dards required by the Higher Edu­ca­tion Qual­ity Com­mit­tee (HEQC) of the Coun­cil on Higher Edu­ca­tion of South Africa. The learn­ing pro­gramme was accred­ited by the HEQC in March 2008.
IHT Hotel School is fur­ther also reg­is­tered as a Pri­vate Higher Edu­ca­tion Institution by the Depart­ment of Higher Edu­ca­tion and Train­ing with the reg­is­tra­tion num­ber 2008/​HE07008.



IHT Hotel School Online Application 2024 – 2025

IHT Hotel School Open Days 2024 – 2025

IHT Hotel School Open Days 2024 – 2025

IHT Hotel School
