Heritage Bank MasterCard Prepaid Card
Heritage Bank MasterCard Prepaid Card
- It is a Naira denominated card.
- Secured by Chip & PIN technology
- Card validity period of 3 years
- Accepted internationally, wherever the MasterCard logo is displayed
- Available to both customers and non-customers of the bank
- Safe, secure and convenient way of carrying cash.
- Accepted across multiple channels – ATM, POS, Web, etc.
- Can be used for payment of Bills (DSTV, Recharge Top-up, PHCN etc.)
- Efficient for Cardholders that will not want their existing debit card details exposed online.
- Enable for MasterCard Secure code to authenticate card details while shopping online.
- The prepaid card is ideal for managing travel allowance and rewards (therefore, can be used by the state to manage/distribute Hajj allowances, T&E allowances, scholarship scheme etc.)