Hebron Theological College-About Us
Hebron Theological College-About Us
General Information
1. Background and Management
Our distance-education training programme for Christian leaders began in 1962 when Rev. F.H. Burke opened the All Africa School of Theology. In 1981, Dr and Mrs Fawcett founded Hebron Bible College. In 1989 the two colleges amalgamated, and in 2000 the name was changed to Hebron Theological College (Association incorporated under section 21.) Hebron Theological College NPC (hereafter referred to as HTC) is a registered Section 21 Company (Registration No. 2000/010415/08) governed by experienced Christian leaders as follows:
1.1 Board Members:
Dr N.W. Landman D.Ed. (Chairman/Director), Dr J.R Fawcett D.Th.(Director/Principal), Prof. M. Dreeckmeier D.Ed. (Director), Mrs J.M. Fawcett Cert. Th. (Treasurer), Mrs E. Lewis (Secretary), Rev D.B. Mdhluli D.Th, Rev. D. Chetty M.Missiology. Past. K. Beneke (B.Th. Hons.) Hon. Life Member: Rev. C. Baillie B.A.
1.2 Advisors: Rev. P. Wilson Dip.Th, Dip. Ed. (NZ); Rev. R. Broderick Dipl. Th. (Switz.).
1.3 Quality Management: HTC has developed a comprehensive Quality Management System based on ISO 9001 as part of an overall commitment to providing quality training for Christian Service and ministry. 1.4 The Africa Journal of Pentecostal Studies (ISSN 1684-9647) was launched in December 2002 as part of our commitment to theological research. Members of the Editorial Board are:
J. R. Fawcett D.Th. (Syst. Theology) (General Editor).
M. Clark D.Th. (Syst Theol); D.Th. (NT) clarkmsdr@gmail.com
R. Dela Cruz Ph.D. (New Testament) rolidelacruz@yahoo.com
M. Eilers D.Litt. (Classical Languages) mjeilers@telkomsa.net
G. Harold D.Th (NT); PhD (Syst. Theol) godfrey@ctbs.org.za
W. Ma. PhD (Missions) wma@ocms.ac.uk
E. Mahlangu D.Th. (N.T., Hermeneutics) elijaheunice@mweb.co.za
M. Nel D.Th. (Pract Theol); D.Th. (Ch. History); PhD (OT) mmariusnel@vodamail.co.za
Z. M. Orera PhD (Practical Theology, Systematic Theology, Ethics) orerazedekiah@yahoo.com
M. Pohlmann D. Litt. et Phil. (Systematic Theology) Martin@btc.co.za
M. Pretorius Ph.D. (Syst. Theol.) marksats@imaginet.co.za
J. H. Railey D.Th. (Systematic Theology, Practical Theology) JRAILEY@AGSeminary.edu
Accreditation and Registration
May we also take this opportunity to inform you that, Dr Jason Fawcett, Founder of Hebron Theological College, after 21 years of leading the College as Principal, has now laid down his role as Principal. However, Dr Fawcett is still very much involved and active in the affairs of Hebron College as the Board Chairperson.
Dr Fawcett has handed over the reins as Principal to Dr. Fernando da Silva. Dr. da Silva is highly qualified and competent and has planted many churches and Bible Schools.
Hebron Theological College Online Application 2024 – 2025
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Hebron Theological College Accreditation