Gauteng Dept of Economic Development: Graduate / Internship Programme
Gauteng Dept of Economic Development: Graduate / Internship Programme
Gauteng Dept of Economic Development: Graduate / Internship Programme
Gauteng Dept of Economic Development: Graduate / Internship Programme
Location: JohannesburgGauteng Department of Economic Development invites graduates to apply for internships for a period of 24 months in the following fields.
- 1 Degree or Diploma in Public Administration
MONITORING AND EVALUATION 1 Bachelor of Business Administration
Manufacturing and Primary Resources
- 1 National Diploma/Degree in Economics
- 1 National Diploma/Degree in Economics
- Degree (B.Eng) Engineering
- Degree (BSc) in Life Sciences
- BSC in Agricultural Economics
- Bachelor of Commerce in Economics
- Any Design qualification
- Bachelor of Commerce in Economics/ Bachelor of Arts
- Bachelor of Commerce in Economics Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Construction Studies
Tertiary Services (Financial Services)
- 1 Economics and/or Financial Sciences Developmental Finance
- 1 Economics and/or Transport and Logistics Business Management
Tertiary Services (ICT & GBS)
- 4 Bachelor of Business Science Commerce Economics/Finance and Investment
Politics and Economics
Green Economy
2 Bachelor of Science: Chemistry, Environmental Agriculture, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology. Water and Engineering
Office of the CFO
- 1 National Diploma in Office Management Administration
Financial Budget Management
- 3 National Diploma / Bachelor’s Degree in management accounting
Financial Management
- 3 B. Com Accounting/ Diploma in Accounting
Supply Chain Management
- 6 National Diploma/ B. Degree in Transport Management/ Fleet Management
- National Diploma/Degree in Supply Chain Management Procurement Asset Management
Shared Auxiliary Services
- 3 National Diploma/ B Degree in Environmental Health/ Safety Management
- National Diploma/ B Degree in Building and Facilities Management/ Built Environment
- Advanced Certificate in Facilities Maintenance Management/ N6 Building and Civil Engineering (Building Maintenance)
- National Diploma/Degree in Communications Public Relations/Journalism /Corporate Communication Media Studies
- 1 B. Degree or National Diploma in Communications/ Public Relations/ Events Management
- B. Degree or National Diploma in Graphic Design
- B. Degree or National Diploma in Marketing/Advertising/Creative Design
Risk Management
- National Diploma in Auditing/ Risk Management Financial Management
- National Diploma or Degree Information Technology, Computer Science (Business Administration, A., 5..C.CCNA)
Human Capital Management
HRM – National Diploma or Degree in:
- • Human Resource Management Industrial Psychology Training and Development • Labour Relations/ Employee Relations • Sports Science or Exercise • Diploma or Higher Certificate in Records Management and Archives
HRM – Advanced Certificate/N6 IN Human Resource Management
HRM – Advanced Certificate/N6 in the following:
- • Social Auxiliary Work • Community Work training said. • Auxiliary nurse • Health care practitioner The 5 will be placed at various GDED regional offices: HB 56 Eloff Street, Sedibeng Tshwane, Ekurhuleni and West Rand office
OD – Dip/Degree in the following:
- • Work-study/Management Services • Productivity Management • Operations Management Organisation and Industrial Psychology
Corporate Governance
B. Degree in Public Administration and Governance
Consumer Affairs Consumer Education
B. Degree or Higher Diploma in Education Communications
Consumer Affairs Complaints Investigation
Legum Baccalaureus (LLB)
IGR: Strategic Partnerships, Special Projects and International Relations
Bachelor or Post-graduate Degree in Social Science/ Political Science/ International Relations/ Economics/Research
GLB: Client Relations Management
- National Diploma or B. Degree in Public Administration
- National Diploma or B. Degree in Archiving/ Library and Information Services/
- National Diploma or B. Degree in Information Management
- National Diploma or B. Degree in Public Administration Office Administration
- Legum Baccalaureus (LLB)
- National Diploma or B. Degree in Public Administration
- National Diploma or B. Degree in Public Administration
GLB: Registration and Licensing
- National Diploma or B. Degree in Public Administration
GLB: Secretariat1
National Diploma/ B. Degree in Public Relations/Communications
GLB: Chief Director’s Office
National Diploma or B. Degree in Public Administration Office Administration
How To Apply
Please hand-deliver your CV along with a completed Z83 and certified documentation at Umnotho House, 56 Elloff Street, Johannesburg
For enquires contact Ms Sharon Plane Mr Mikhululi Ngkukumeshaon 011 355 8047/8777
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