Vega’s teaching philosophy is built on the mantra of wisdomwithmagic . This reflects that the essence of branding lies in the fusion of strategy and creativity. An IIE Vega student graduates with a deep understanding that the most effective strategy is inherently creative. This is in evidence most compellingly in Vega’s famous Brand Challenge.
Brand and business strategies that merely repeat existing practices limit the true potential of the marketplace. Vega knows this. That’s why the principle of innovation lies at the heart of Vega’s educational vision.
The same truth applies in the teaching and learning environment. Innovation allows Vega to equip students for future leadership. Vega’s core purpose is to prepare students to be industry-ready graduates.
Vega students are constantly immersed in live briefs from industry clients. As a result, when they graduate they are already well-versed in the turbulence of ‘the real world’ and slot seamlessly into any industry environment. The stellar careers of many of our highly successful alumni are testament to the success of this methodology. Furthermore, frequent interaction with the top-tier professionals and academics of the Vega Advisory Council helps keep Curricula in line with the latest industry innovations.
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Vega is proud to have an esteemed council of advisors who provide valuable input and guidance on our curricula. This council is made up of carefully selected industry leaders and academics from Design, Brand and Business disciplines. Directly plugged into industry trends, they bring a wealth of information and insight. Their knowledge allows for the advancement of the very learning process that Vega is built on. Through their contributions, we can enhance the curricula, expand our network of partners and add to our research and library development.



Vega School Online Application 2024 – 2025

About Vega School