About Inscape Education Group
About Inscape Education Group
We specialize in the creative and design industries, built environments, business and communication, and digital technology-driven education. We offer expert integration to that end.
We are leaders in South Africa for doing things that work, differently. Providing opportunities to our students and our wider communities ensures that our actions are authentic and true to our core values.
As leaders in private higher education:
- Our programmes, aligned to our ethos, are progressive and break down the silo mentality of design and its disciplines. We were the first institution in South Africa to offer a Bachelor of Design degree as well as the first institution to offer Ideation Design.
- Our programmes align with international design programme standards.
- Our graduates define the industry.
- We have an established scholarship initiative. Since 2015, we have financially assisted over 124 students to access quality higher education.
- Our activities in the international tertiary market allowed us to partner with institutions worldwide. We select institutions that align with our ethos and culture; who will find value in partnering in either projects, community development or enrichment programs. The international student exchange program exposes our students to alternative teaching methodologies, cultures and environments.
- Relationships with industry players who provide 48-hour briefs as a part of our student learning experience, prepare our students for a real-world with real limitations, challenges and opportunities.
- Driven by technology, creativity, design, integrated learning and unique thinking; the institution encourages independent learning through custom-developed software and applications connecting students, institutions and industry.
Inscape Education Group Online Application 2024 – 2025