
Tut Online application Banking Details


Tut Online application Banking Details

Banking Details

Tshwane University of Technology has accounts at Standard Bank and ABSA Bank, where students may make payments to pay their student debts.

ABSA Bank (main account – exclusively for application fee):​
Account holder:Tshwane University of Technology​
Account number:04 000 000 3
Type of account:Cheque or current account
Branch Code:632005
Reference:Identity Number
ABSA Bank (student account):​
Account holder:Tshwane University of Technology​
Account number:405 314 2603
Type of account:Cheque or current account
Branch Code:632005
Reference:Student Number

Standard Bank:​
Account holder:Tshwane University of Technology​
Account number:011 414 154
Type of account:Cheque or current account
Branch Code:010345
Reference:Student Number

Payments at Post Office:
Student accounts may pay at any SA Post Office by using only the specially designed deposit slips attached to the account statements.

Account number: 024 (tuition and residence fees)
Branch Code: 0001
Reference: Student number