AdmissionsOnline Applications

Vhembe TVET College Online Application -Apply here


Vhembe TVET College Online Application -Apply here

Vhembe TVET College Online Application -Apply here | The Vhembe TVET College Admission Form for 2024 – 2025 for the Academic year is Out. Please apply for this admission intake before the Vhembe TVET College Application Closing Date.

Online Application

Application Steps

When Applying

You should complete these steps when entering our Application System:

(Just remember to keep your username and password)

  1. You must complete a Pre-Entry Placement Test (as per the video)
  2. You must then complete the Online Application Form (and upload documents)


Please Remember That Doing This Screening Is COMPULSORY!

However, you still have the right to choose your own course based on your preference. You will be requested to sign an acknowledgement that you prefer to make your own choice outside of the placement screening report. Your report can be viewed and saved by you. Please do not forget to fill out an online application form with the college. See the college website for access.

Please Follow Instructions And Answer Honestly.

Do not let anyone else complete this screening for you. You will be recommended for the wrong course. If someone else completes the screening this can result in you performing badly in the course recommended by our system.

Once You Have Registered On The “First Time Here?” Button, Complete Everything In The “Pre-Entry Information” Folder Only.

Click on each button and complete All the screening batteries in this folder. Complete ALL the questions even if you do not know the answers. Click the “Finish” button at the end of each assessment

See also  St Mary’s School Waverley Application Form

Important: Please remember to write down and store safely your Username and Password when doing the Placement Screening Registration. If your internet connection drops, you may return the same way as a Returning User and you can continue where you left off. You will also be asked to use it again for more screening when entering college.

Before you proceed to application, Click on the links Below for information:

1.Vhembe TVET College Admission Requirements
2.Vhembe TVET College Fees Structure
3.Vhembe TVET College Courses Offered
Each semester existing students are required to register for classes for the particular semester. The registration is held in the respective college office of students’ Affairs
To register for classes, students should collect three copies of registration slips from the respective departmental heads complete the required information and get them signed by the head of the department/school and submit one copy of the slip to the respective college office of students’ Affairs and one copy to the University office of the registrar.
kindly follow the links provided below respectively. Don’t forget that the Vhembe TVET College official website is
NOTE: This page is updated when any Vhembe TVET College Admission Undergraduate Admission Form or Intake is opened for application, so you are advised to Bookmark and visit this page regularly to ascertain if your programme application form or intake of choice is out for the 2023 academic year. The Admission Letters would be given at the end of the Application exercise to show that You have been offered admission into this University.
kindly contact the university for more information on how to apply thank you:


Contact Address:

+27 (0) 15 963 7000
Private Bag X2136
Vhembe TVET College
Stand No. 203
Unit A, Sibasa
Limpopo, South Africa

See also  Buffalo City TVET College Academic Calendar

1. Vhembe TVET College Application Status
2. Vhembe TVET College Online Application Status
4. Vhembe TVET College Online Application
5. Vhembe TVET College Application Form
6. Vhembe TVET College Application Closing Date
7. Vhembe TVET College Courses Offered
8.Vhembe TVET College Fees Structure
9. Vhembe TVET College Prospectus
10. Vhembe TVET College Prospectus PDF
11. Vhembe TVET College Contact Address
12. Vhembe TVET College Campuses


13. Vhembe TVET College Admission Requirements
14.Vhembe TVET College Online Registration
15.Vhembe TVET College Registration



16. Vhembe TVET College Job Vacancies
17. Vhembe TVET College Career
18. Vhembe TVET College Distance Learning
19. Vhembe TVET College Distance Learning Courses
20. Vhembe TVET College Graduation Ceremony Date
21. Vhembe TVET College Graduation List
22. Vhembe TVET College Academic Calendar
23. Vhembe TVET College Blackboard Learn Login
24. Vhembe TVET College Acceptance Letter
